How To Avoid Overwhelm In The Oil Business

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Hey there! I get it. Being an entrepreneur is not easy. If it were, everyone would do it. There are many days when you might feel a sense of overwhelm and other days when the satisfaction is thick and palpable. That is normal. All the feelings you feel. Normal. Before we get to my 4 Steps For Fighting Overwhelm, I would love to have a heart to heart with you:

Overwhelm doesn’t mean you aren’t aligned. Overwhelm doesn’t mean that you should quit. Overwhelm doesn’t mean that you don’t have what it takes. What overwhelm means is that you need to skill-up in order to overcome. Every time you feel overwhelmed it’s an opportunity to overcome. This is such good news! I have watched a few leaders quit this business because they were unwilling to learn how to overcome. When you walk away from your dōTERRA business, you are walking away from customers that have trusted you deeply with their health. You are walking away from people you have promised to inspire, educate and lead. Sister, don’t quit. Grow.

And now, here are 4 things to reflect on when you’re feeling overwhelmed:

1. First, identify exactly what is overwhelming you. Let’s do that right now. Grab a piece of blank paper and write:

I feel most overwhelmed by____________________________. 

We can’t overcome the obstacle unless we identify it. 

Often I have coached people that are overwhelmed with balancing too much. The plates seem to all be spinning at once and there is a genuine fear that one slip will cause it all to come crashing down. Friend, it’s time to evaluate those plates. No one that is successful does it all themselves. You need to scale your goals or find pockets of time by reducing the amount of responsibility you carry. I have found it super helpful that before I say yes to anything, I ask myself, “is this a hell yes, or a no?” 

2. Next, it’s important to know that you can’t pour from an empty cup. I want you to write down what fills you up. 

I feel recharged when I _________________________.

Self care is way more than just a buzzword. It’s the reality that we are responsible for filling our cup. Of course we can get full from others’ love, kindness, and connection - but that is the cherry on top. You don’t need to quit. You need to breathe. You need to step back. You need a day to regroup. Sometimes you just need a nap or a coffee and a walk around TJ Maxx. Promise me you’ll take this seriously and build in something that you love to do just for you, daily or weekly! For me this also looks like the most basic things - daily movement, taking my supplements, getting good sleep, etc. It’s not fancy, but it keeps me functioning at 100%. 

3. Another important aspect of avoiding overwhelm is to be grateful. Gratitude changes your attitude and shifts your perspective. Write down what you love about your business:

I am grateful for my dōTERRA Business because___________________. 

I practice gratitude daily. I am grateful to God for this opportunity to bring health and healing to thousands of people. I am grateful I can work from home. I am grateful for the personal growth opportunity this has brought me. I am grateful for the opportunity to model for my kids what financial freedom looks like. I am thankful I can set my own schedule. I hope just in reading this you feel the shift. Gratitude changes everything. 

4. Finally, I avoid overwhelm by strategically time blocking. We can accomplish so much in a short time when we focus. 

I feel most distracted by__________________________.

Identifying what is distracting you from doing the deeper work is going to be a major catalyst for overcoming. Distractions come in all shapes and sizes. However, most common is social media, notifications, and a lack of boundaries. It’s time to become the master of your schedule. It’s time to own your time. The time freedom you can create in this business is honestly up to your ability to manage your time. Every year since I started to build this business I have grown in new ways in time management. I am daily fulfilled by my work and super intentional with my time with my family. The balance isn’t always easy, but I learned create the schedule we all need to thrive and also to be flexible when I need to be. 

If you are still reading - I think it is because you needed this. Don’t quit. Grow. Overwhelm is just an opportunity to overcome. We get to do this work. We get to change the face of healthcare. We get to empower families. We get to own our time, schedule, life. Don’t quit. Grow. 

BusinessDana Moore